
Sultry Summer Page 89

Sultry Summer Page 89

With this I’m finally caught up with my weekly updates. Hopefully this means next week I will be more on track with my usual update schedule.

As for this page in particular I was a bit torn as to what kind of panties to give to Gwen this time but I just went with the classic white. I can’t imagine she has all patterned or colored panties so it seemed appropriate.

Sultry Summer Page 88

Sultry Summer Page 88

Also, I changed the color of the walls in the store, which I have changed in the previous page. I didn’t realize the floor and wall colors were so similar since I didn’t have them adjacent in the previous page, but that has been fixed. They’re still similar but not nearly indistinguishable as I felt they were before.

Sultry Summer Page 87

Sultry Summer Page 87

This took a long time to color as I assumed it would. Having to do so much color selection on top of color fill is always such a long and painful process. At least now the colors are selected so that’s one part of the process down for the following pages.

Sultry Summer Page 86

Sultry Summer Page 86

Sorry for the late update. I was hoping to have it done on Friday but I missed my deadline by an hour. Sadly I got tired due to my lack of sleep last night and had to rest before I could finish it. At least now it’s done.

This is the second and final page of the montage to transition to the next part. This blowjob part is now over and things are now set up for Ben and Gwen to try something new. The next page will bring them to their new location and things will hopefully get started quickly although I’ll need time to script things out in detail to say how many pages it will be (shouldn’t be more than a few).

Sultry Summer Page 85

Sultry Summer Page 85

As mentioned in the sketch there is one more page like this to come and then this comic will be transitioning into the next scene in this part of the comic.

Kim Possible: Kim and the Tweebs

Kim Possible Kim Tweebs

I’ve wanted to draw Kim and the tweebs for a while now, it just hasn’t been a high enough priority to get to; however, currently I’ve been in the mood to draw stuff with flatter and more cartoony styles so I figured it was a good opportunity. After reading the Lost Legends comic I’ve wanted to get back to trying to loosen up my linework by focusing less on excessive perfectionism, and utilizing blacks and such for cast shadows to try and make things look more suitable in flats (since I want to minimize color time during these).

In the last couple of illustrations I’ve sketched much more loosely with the pencil tool instead of a thin pen tool. For this one I even disabled pen stabilization, which is something that I’ve always left on during lining, since it would force me to draw the lines quicker as they’d get wobbly if I moved my arm slower, which would in turn reduce the accuracy anyway.

Dipper, Mabel and Pacifica Mystery Shop Threesome

Gravity Falls: Dipper, Mabel and Pacifica

Sultry Summer Page 84

Sultry Summer Page 84

With this page this scene is technically complete. At most there will be 1-2 more pages after this that just serve to transition into the next scene/location for this part.

Dipper and Mabel After-BJ

Gravity Falls: Dipper and Mabel After-BJ

I was very short on time this weekend due to distracting plans on Friday so I wanted to do something simpler with flatter colors. I’ve also been wanting to work on figuring out lining methods that work best with flats so it worked out in that regard.

I stole the color scheme for Mabel from the first story in the new Lost Legends comic, but it just felt most appropriate from the sample outfits I had in regards to having the yellow emoji on it, which I felt that emoji an appropriate sweater symbol for this.

Sultry Summer Page 83

Sultry Summer Page 83

I made some changes to the previous page (page 82). I failed and made the text gradient upside down, as well as missed a few other details, but I fixed what I immediately noticed and have reuploaded the file.