
Sultry Summer Page 130

Sultry Summer Page 130

Pet With Benefits Page 04

Pet With Benefits Page 04

This comic is intended to be in a similar format to my recent Supervision comic, except this time with color. To view the entire comic in the intended format, click here.

Sultry Summer Page 129

Sultry Summer Page 129

Pet With Benefits Page 03

Pet With Benefits Page 03

This comic is intended to be in a similar format to my recent Supervision comic, except this time with color. To view the entire comic in the intended format, click here.

Pet With Benefits Page 02

Pet With Benefits Page 02

This comic is intended to be in a similar format to my recent Supervision comic, except this time with color. To view the entire comic in the intended format, click here.

Pet With Benefits Page 01

Pet With Benefits Page 01

This comic is intended to be in a similar format to my recent Supervision comic, except this time with color. To view the entire comic in the intended format, click here.

Sultry Summer Page 128

Sultry Summer Page 128

ATLA Blind Boyfriend Bandit Page 05

ATLA Blind Boyfriend Bandit Page 05

This was the 5th and final page planned for this short. The shorts are all intended to be short, as the name indicates, so this was never planned to be more. However, while these are planned to work as stand-alones, both in individual and total pages, they are also designed to work as lead-ins to other shorts. This means that I could do another short after this, with Toph and one of her students, or involving Penga and Sokka, although more likely something with Toph due to the initial plan of focusing these shorts on my normal Loli Club girls.

Inspector Gadget Brain Penny Pants Down Sex

Inspector Gadget Brain Penny Pants Down Sex

I did this for a variety of reasons, one being I’m considering something for Penny and wanted to try out the characters as it’s been a while. Also, this is saved as JPEG, as I wanted to see how a more reasonable resolution and a compressed file format worked in regards to the background textures. I had actually stopped using those because they made my PNG files ridiculous in size, hitting upwards of 10MB for a single file, but this exported at a reasonable 500KB, which is quite reasonable.

NOTE: This image suffered from terrible site compression when I first uploaded it, but I had fixed that. If you viewed it when it was first posted, and it looks poorly compressed still, you may need to reset your cache, or click on the image for the full view, to see the uncompressed version. I didn’t change the filename when the file was replaced, so your cache may have the old version stored.

ATLA Blind Boyfriend Bandit Page 04

ATLA Blind Boyfriend Bandit Page 04

For those unaware, I took this week off from Sultry Summer, and may do so next week. This short has only one more page planned, and I’d like to do it next week, but I may do something simpler instead since doing full pages sort of conflicts with the purpose of taking a brief break from Sultry Summer.