Sorry for the super late update on this one. This page had a lot of little details to color so the flats alone took a while. All of this on top of being behind already and then having to take care of another appointment today made this quite late to be posted.
Sorry for the very late update. I was very, very slow in drawing the last two days to get this done. I spent forever with my script first as I had a lot of uncertainties as to how to finish this part in regards to the amount of pages I want to finish it in and how I want it to transition into the next one. Due to vast amounts of uncertainty even after finally getting past that stage I simply redid many parts of this page far too many times before finally deciding to go with what I had. It wasn’t even an overly difficult page to sketch once past that, but after all of that hassle I was just in a slump in terms of being okay with anything I did so it made the page far more difficult than it had to be. At least the sketch is done, and although I’m very far behind as a result of all this I’ll still try my best to have everything done by end of day Friday.
This page took longer to color than I had hoped but I did experiment with a couple things. I tried some things with the transparency in the bottom left two panels but none of it really stuck so I went with the basic. I also ended up changing up how I wanted to do the fluids, and as a result I adjusted them a bit in the previous few pages as well (75-77).
Now that I’ve taken care of the couple extra things I wanted to address in this part there should only be a few more pages before it’s ready to move on to the next part of this act, which will finally include a different activity between these two.
I adjusted the background in the previous page by pushing the shower curtain back a bit. I didn’t feel it made sense for the curtain to overlap the wooden counter as I feel the shower going that far could cause some complications in terms of moisture and wood, plus thinking about it I didn’t think the shower should stretch the whole wall. I’m having to wing it with the shower detail as the show never showed that side of the bathroom, but they have had scenes that indicate they have a water tank and shower in the Rust Bucket that Max can fit in.