
Sultry Summer Page 83 Sketch

Sultry Summer Page 83 Sketch

Sultry Summer Page 82

Sultry Summer Page 82

I actually had the colors for this finished this morning, but the dialogue gave me a ridiculous amount of trouble. I didn’t like how it was before because my intent was less to have Ben appear like he was being snappy and more like he was really enjoying the situation. No matter how I worded it out, however, it just didn’t sound acceptable to me, so it took a million retries.

Also, I mentioned in the lines that there was something I was going to try in the colors. That something was the X-ray in the bottom-left panel, and I feel it turned out okay enough to keep.

Lastly, some of you may have noticed that I activated Disqus reactions in a hope to create a like/dislike system, but it didn’t work as the reactions seemed to be accruing collectively instead of staying independent to the discussions they were in. Since this was noticed I have disabled the feature.

Sultry Summer Page 82 Lines

Sultry Summer Page 82 Lines

There’s still some things I’m considering different for the colors in the last 2 panels but it simply looks weird in line form so I didn’t want to put it down in the lines or sketch just in case it still looks silly in color. I’m also still a bit uncertain on the dialogue, but it’s too late now and I need to try and fix my sleep schedule at least a little bit before Friday.

Sultry Summer Page 82 Sketch

Sultry Summer Page 82 Sketch

I was very unsure as to what to do with this page and thus got a super late start on the actual clean sketching process. A part of me is wanting to rush this part to the finish since it’s so close already, but at the same time I don’t want to cram too much into one page, so it was hard plotting exactly how much I wanted to put into this page.

I was also unsure of the mannerisms to put in this page for Ben, so the dialogue took some time to decide on. Still not sure if I’m satisfied on that front so it may change for the lines/colors, but I did decide it appropriate for Ben to continue looking at the situation increasingly playfully/casually.

Sultry Summer Page 81

Sultry Summer Page 81

Up next is Ben’s turn to finish, then I can wrap this part up and be ready to move on to the next.

Sultry Summer Page 81 Lines

Sultry Summer Page 81 Lines

Sultry Summer Page 81 Sketch

Sultry Summer Page 81 Sketch

I was super late in uploaded my BF page for this week, but luckily this was a rather simple page to get caught back up with. Up next is Ben’s turn to finish then I can finally start on wrapping this part up and moving on to the next.

Sultry Summer Page 80

Sultry Summer Page 80

Sultry Summer Page 80 Lines

Sultry Summer Page 80 Lines

I must have flipped my canvas when I drew Gwen’s head in the top-right panel as I had drawn Gwen’s hair mirrored. I fixed it in these lines and I should be ready to color this tomorrow and finally have the page done earlier on Friday for once.

Sultry Summer Page 80 Sketch

Sultry Summer Page 80 Sketch

Late update is late but nothing new about that. Yet again the page was much more trouble than it should have been to sketch as I’m still not over this problem of having a difficult time with this phase. At least this part is nearly complete so hopefully things start to work out better by the time I start the next part.