
Sultry Summer Page 93 Sketch

Sultry Summer Page 93 Sketch

This page took way longer than it should have because I spent way too long wrestling with some pretty minor things. Oh well, it’s done relatively on schedule and ready to be lined and colored throughout the week.

Sultry Summer Page 92

Sultry Summer Page 92

I tried a variety of patterns and colors for the background in the final panel, but sometimes it just works best to leave things blank, which I feel was definitely the case in this instance.

Sultry Summer Page 92 Lines

Sultry Summer Page 92 Lines

Sultry Summer Page 92 Sketch

Sultry Summer Page 92 Sketch

This page didn’t take too long compared to others but my sleep schedule is super dead this week so I got a late start. The only thing that was really problematic was I was torn between two different ways to handle this, but this one amused me enough that it won in the end. Now that the sketch is out of the way mostly on time the lines and colors should easily be done by Friday as usual.

Sultry Summer Page 91

Sultry Summer Page 91

Sultry Summer Page 91 Lines

Sultry Summer Page 91 Lines

Sultry Summer Page 91 Sketch

Sultry Summer Page 91 Sketch

I ended up with quite a simple page this week. I wanted to fit a bit more of what is planned for the next page in this page, but the pacing didn’t quite work and would have made the page busier than I felt it should be.

Sultry Summer Page 90

Sultry Summer Page 90

Not as quickly as I had hoped to have this done but now I’m all caught up for the week. I still have some things to do this weekend so not sure if I’ll be able to do much extra but we’ll see.

Sultry Summer Page 90 Lines

Sultry Summer Page 90 Lines

Sultry Summer Page 90 Sketch

Sultry Summer Page 90 Sketch