
Sultry Summer Page 99

Sultry Summer Page 99

Sultry Summer Page 99 Lines

Sultry Summer Page 99 Lines

Sultry Summer Page 99 Sketch

Sultry Summer Page 99 Sketch

So this is a pretty simple page and I should have been done much sooner for that reason but I seem to have mysteriously pulled what seems to be my trapezius muscle. I looked left only slightly while drawing to look at a Discord notification when I suddenly felt like something pulled. Since then I’ve had an intense pain that seems to gradually get worse as I sit upright and move my drawing arm. This pain has been present since I was sketching something else earlier this week and bothered me through the entire sketching process for this image. Hopefully the pain subsides a bit after I sleep, but if it doesn’t get better I may have to take it easy and stretch my updates through the weekend this week because the pain gets excruciating once it has built up long enough while working.

Sultry Summer Page 98

Sultry Summer Page 98

Sultry Summer Page 98 Lines

Sultry Summer Page 98 Lines

I didn’t add a lot of the effect lines in this stage because I will want to mess with a few approaches in the color stage to see how different things work before I decide. I just like placing such things in the sketch phase so I can place the necessary rulers and have the focal points established for the following stages.

Sultry Summer Page 98 Sketch

Sultry Summer Page 98 Sketch

Sultry Summer Page 97

Sultry Summer Page 97

Sorry for the super late update on this. The holidays got in the way, then I tried working on it when I was able to last night but being super tired got in the way. Then too many consecutive days of only a few hours a day finally caught up with me and I slept way too long, further setting me back on this so I was not able to resume until only a few hours ago (around 5PM). At least now it’s done and I can get to doing other things.

Sultry Summer Page 97 Lines

Sultry Summer Page 97 Lines

Sultry Summer Page 97 Sketch

Sultry Summer Page 97 Sketch

Sultry Summer Page 96

Sultry Summer Page 96