Despite the super late upload with he lines I managed to get this done with 25 minutes left of the day, so I count that as a victory.
Sultry Summer Page 141
4 October, 2019
Despite the super late upload with he lines I managed to get this done with 25 minutes left of the day, so I count that as a victory.
Sultry Summer Page 141 Lines
4 October, 2019
Bah, super behind this week, but I absolutely could not decide how I wanted to progress the comic from the previous page. My general outline had a ton of different routes I could have gone, and I simply couldn’t choose which to go with. Once I finally chose I had to decide how the characters would interact to get there, so by the time I was done planning and able to start drawing it was literally late Wednesday, and Thursday I had to make sure to have something else done before I could finish this, so I got a very late start.
Typically at a point like this I should have used the weekend to decide, but I was very intent on getting Pet with Benefits complete, which took every spare minute of the weekend to get all 4 pages done.
Sultry Summer Page 140
27 September, 2019
Done on time this week. Even though I wasn’t quite as timely as I had hoped with the lines, I wasn’t actually behind on stuff for this week due to getting ahead on other things as I contemplated some things for the lines, so it’s less that it took more time and more that I stepped away from it for a while to get other things done.
Also, I’ve decided on a new method of doing the foliage behind the foreground trees for the background, as I felt the other approach looked too busy, which I felt doesn’t work quite as well when I want more emphasis on the figures. I’ve changed the previous pages from 132 and onward with the new approach.
Sultry Summer Page 140 Lines
26 September, 2019
And yet another page gave me trouble. I’ve been having serious trouble lately with planning/scripting in general, largely due to the situation that comes from maintaining this site’s content. It’s been building up to be quite stressful, but nothing can really be done about it so it is what it is.
Sultry Summer Page 139
20 September, 2019
Only a few hours past my intended upload time, so not too bad. Hopefully I didn’t miss anything, but I have to head out for a while so if I did I’ll have to take a look at it later.
Sultry Summer Page 139 Lines
19 September, 2019
Bah, had trouble figuring out what to do again, so these lines are quite late again. It would have been done earlier in the day but I had another appointment to keep first thing in the morning. At least now it’s done, and the colors should be finished tomorrow.
Sultry Summer Page 138
14 September, 2019
Bah, actually late this week and not just a bit behind on the progress. The dialogue and lines took me way too long, especially since I tried to cram a lot of information again to get through the buildup yet another week quicker. I also couldn’t decide exactly how I wanted to do the change in location, among other things, so I got set back quite a bit, but at least it’s done just a day late. A small price to pay I say for an additional week’s worth of progression.
Sultry Summer Page 138 Lines
12 September, 2019
Bah, this page took longer than I had hoped, and it’s still technically not done as I need to decide some background details. Again I tried to cram a lot of development into one page instead of making it take two, so it caused a bigger delay again but at least I’ll get to the action yet another week sooner.
Sultry Summer Page 137
6 September, 2019
2 hours behind schedule today, but I just spent extra time tinkering with some things this morning, both in terms of minor color selections for future use, and of course the light details in the first panels.
Sultry Summer Page 137 Lines
5 September, 2019
Bah, another page that took forever to do. This one was problematic because I was not 100% certain on how I wanted to proceed after the last page from my list of options, so there was a lot of contemplation and tinkering. I eventually decided though and here it is.
There’s also still plenty of details that are not touched on in these lines because they’ll have to be added in the colors. The first panel has their swimsuits glowing and then the second one has dissipating magic light, but touching on that further with the lines would have been pointless.