
Sultry Summer Page 146 Lines

Sultry Summer Page 146 Lines

Yet again trying to get the dialogue down gave me trouble. I wanted Ben to talk to Gwen in a way that would appeal to her heavy interest in lewds, in a way that would target her particular interests. I think it came out well enough, but if there’s time I may read it over again and see if anything needs revising.

I managed to get this done right before bed, so unless something unexpected gets in my way I should be able to have this done at the normally intended time on Friday.

Sultry Summer Page 145

Sultry Summer Page 145

Managed to get done mostly on time. Only about an hour and a half off from my target, so not bad in my book.

Sultry Summer Page 145 Lines

Sultry Summer Page 145 Lines

Took me a while to decide how to follow up with this stage, and how to get this page plotted out, and then making sure to fit Gwendolyn as I did made some of the panels/perspective more difficult, but at last the lines are done. I should still have this colored tomorrow.

Sultry Summer Page 144 Alt

Sultry Summer Page 144 Alt

Sultry Summer Page 144

Sultry Summer Page 144

Woo! A page that was simple to plan so it’s done on time!

Sultry Summer Page 144 Lines

Sultry Summer Page 144 Lines

Done on time this week due to having a page that didn’t require that much plotting out, so, barring an incident, I will definitely have this done on time Friday.

Sultry Summer Page 143

Sultry Summer Page 143

Hopefully everything looks okay, but I have to rush out the door right after uploading this, so I’ll give it an extra look in the morning.

Sultry Summer Page 143 Lines

Sultry Summer Page 143 Lines

Bah, sorry for the super late update this week, but I absolutely could not decide how to proceed from the previous page, and due to drawing over my busy weekend last week I yet again didn’t put the time into deciding that I should have prior to the week beginning. But now these lines are done, and they shouldn’t be too long to color, so I’ll try to have that later today.

Sultry Summer Page 142

Sultry Summer Page 142

I have a busy weekend this week, but since I’m working with flats I should be able to have some illustrations done. I have to leave within a handful hours today, but I should have enough time to finish another flat illustration I’ve started this morning.

Sultry Summer Page 142 Lines

Sultry Summer Page 142 Lines

Bah, I had the lines for this done hours ago, but I couldn’t decide on how to handle the dialogue so I set it aside to work on something else to get back to it with a fresh start as opposed to racking my brain over it for too long.

With this done I’ll definitely be on track to have colors done on time Friday. However, I seem to have extra distractions coming up this weekend, so not sure how much I’ll be able to get done, but I’ll try to get an illustration or two.

Also, there will be extra light shining effects for Gwendolyn in panels 1 and 3 that cannot really be reflected in the lines.