Sultry Summer Page 175
2 April, 2021
Sultry Summer Page 174
26 March, 2021
Sultry Summer Page 173
19 March, 2021
Sultry Summer Page 172
12 March, 2021
With this Sultry Summer is officially back. It’s actually been back for a couple weeks now, as I have page 173 colored on SubscribeStar, and page 174 lined, and should have a sketch (or hopefully lines) for page 175 up this weekend.
This comic will be replacing Chain Reaction’s Friday uploads. Chain Reaction will be on hold until this scene is finished, after which I will do a scene of Chain Reaction, and then another scene of Sultry Summer, and so on, until one or both comics are finished.
Sultry Summer Page 171
1 May, 2020
With this the first book of Sultry Summer, after 171 pages, is finally complete. There’s still a whole second book planned, but after all these years of working on it I’d like to take a break to start something else. Once I get a scene or two into what I have planned I’ll be picking up book 2.
Book 2 will be substantially more episodic than book 1, jumping between events with Ben and Gwen (and some other characters), since now their sexual relationship is established. I won’t be giving more details than that for now, as anything else would be spoilers.
Up next is a Power Pack comic, which I’ve already posted a couple sketches for on SubscribeStar, and will be sketching another page at least over the weekend. I’m sketching a few pages first before going in and lining/coloring anything, to give myself a little bit of time with the style change before I go in and finalize the pages. This means there may not be a finished page to post to this site next week, but we’ll see how it goes.
Sultry Summer Page 170
24 April, 2020
With this there’s one page left before this part of the comic ends, ending book 1 at 171 pages.
Sultry Summer Page 169
17 April, 2020
This is the last page of the montage of activities, so next week starts the conclusion for this scene, as well as the end for book 1 of this comic.
Sultry Summer Page 168
10 April, 2020
Sultry Summer Page 167
3 April, 2020
With this page done there should only be a few more left before this scene, and thus the first book of Sultry Summer, is complete.
Sultry Summer Page 166
27 March, 2020
There’s just a few more pages to go like this one, where I just cruise through how they spend the rest of their time in a montage of sorts, and then will come the conclusion for this scene, and thus this book of Sultry Summer.