
Gwen Dance

Ben 10 Ben Gwen Dance Sex

No comic pages this week. I did a couple Avatar illustrations over the last few weekends, and then last week I took a break from comic pages after the completion of the Chain Reaction scene, so I did a handful of Ben 10 illustrations instead to get warmed back up on the characters.

Katara, Sokka and Toph Double Sky BJ

Avatar The Last Airbender Katara Sokka Toph Sky Double B J

No comic pages this week. I did a couple Avatar illustrations over the last few weekends, and then last week I took a break from comic pages after the completion of the Chain Reaction scene, so I did a handful of Ben 10 illustrations instead to get warmed back up on the characters.

Sokka and Toph Sky BJ with Katara’s Help

Avatar The Last Airbender Katara Sokka Toph Sky B J

No comic pages this week. I did a couple Avatar illustrations over the last few weekends, and then last week I took a break from comic pages after the completion of the Chain Reaction scene, so I did a handful of Ben 10 illustrations instead to get warmed back up on the characters.

Avatar The Last Airbender Azula Mai Zuzu

Avatar The Last Airbender Azula Mai Zuzu

Honestly I keep forgetting to upload this, so since this week was a one page upload due to doing monthly work elsewhere, I figured I’d just upload it with the week’s update.

Gumball and Nicole Beach Chair

Amazing World Of Gumball: Gumball and Nicole Beach Chair

I felt the need to try these two due to them getting top results in the SubscribeStar poll when it comes to the newer/more modern show options. I only did like 3 illustrations of them to tinker with the style a bit, but ultimately that’s all I’ve done since I have set them aside to start sketching a short Kim Possible comic between Kim and the tweebs (Tim and Jim), titled Double Trouble.

For now that comic will only be sketched, and then lined and colored only once it’s fully sketched out. It’s sketched up to page 5 so far, but has plenty more to go, so anticipate no extra monthly updates on this site until I start finalizing those pages.

Gumball and Nicole Couch Sex

Amazing World Of Gumball Gumball Nicole Doggy Couch

I felt the need to try these two due to them getting top results in the SubscribeStar poll when it comes to the newer/more modern show options. I only did like 3 illustrations of them to tinker with the style a bit, but ultimately that’s all I’ve done since I have set them aside to start sketching a short Kim Possible comic between Kim and the tweebs (Tim and Jim), titled Double Trouble.

For now that comic will only be sketched, and then lined and colored only once it’s fully sketched out. It’s sketched up to page 5 so far, but has plenty more to go, so anticipate no extra monthly updates on this site until I start finalizing those pages.

Gumball and Nicole Bed Sex

Amazing World Of Gumball Gumball Nicole Ride

I felt the need to try these two due to them getting top results in the SubscribeStar poll when it comes to the newer/more modern show options. I only did like 3 illustrations of them to tinker with the style a bit, but ultimately that’s all I’ve done since I have set them aside to start sketching a short Kim Possible comic between Kim and the tweebs (Tim and Jim), titled Double Trouble.

For now that comic will only be sketched, and then lined and colored only once it’s fully sketched out. It’s sketched up to page 5 so far, but has plenty more to go, so anticipate no extra monthly updates on this site until I start finalizing those pages.

Ben and Gwen Window Show Anal

Ben 10 Ben Gwen Window Anal

Aang, Katara, Sokka and Toph BJs

Avatar The Last Airbender Aang Katara Sokka Toph B Js

Katara, Sokka and Toph Leisure Sex

Avatar The Last Airbender Katara Sokka Toph Leisure Sex

This is the fourth of four illustrations I uploaded to SubscribeStar in August.